Peninsula North Men's Shed

A friendly & welcoming meeting place for men.

Becoming a member of a Men’s Shed provides a safe and busy environment helping men to remain valued and productive members of our community.

We provide a safe, friendly, inclusive environment for men.

In Men’s Sheds, like-minded men come together to learn new skills and make friends.

Men’s sheds are non-profit, community-based organisations for men. It’s a place where men can feel safe and included. Men’s sheds aim to improve their members health and wellbeing.

Member benefits

Men's sheds are friendly, welcoming places where men get together and do various activities they agree on.

Everyone is welcome at Men’s Sheds, no matter their age, background or ability. You can share skills and knowledge, learn new ones, or re-develop old ones. As the men own the projects and decide their own plans, new members are always welcome and can be assured there’s something for everyone.

Sheds help men advance their health and wellbeing, as well as create opportunities for them to give back to their communities.

Open to all ages and backgrounds.

A place to share your skills and knowledge.

Promote health and wellbeing.

New members are always welcome.

Getting our and about and doing something new and different is a great way to be happy and enjoy life.

Our Sponsors and Donors

Men's sheds are for all men from the local community who wish to join.

The Men’s Shed could not be possible without the support of many community groups, businesses, and organisations.

Newsletter Downloads

Membership Application Form​

The Shed News - Volume 9

The Shed News - Volume 8

The Shed News - Volume 7